Today as I was getting coffee in the kitchen at work, I heard an advertisement for a "deal" on the new Sarah Palin book, "Going Rogue." All I could think to myself was: "Really"?
The ad touted this book at the "most sought after book this year....and it isn't even released yet." I realize that I may try to keep a low profile and that I am not the most active of political bodies, but I am sure that if Sarah Palin had done something so remarkable as to warrant a high demand, I would have remembered.
Sarah Palin was a great face for the Republican party. All of the pundits and reporters stated that she breathed new life into the party. However, I can only see that she brought a spark and "new life" by being an attractive woman who was not afraid to be loud. What great policies did she forge? What oppression did she lift? What new paths did she carve? What has she divined? Indeed, what unscripted question did she ever answer?
I am disappointed that an intelligent community such as ours is so ready to prop up someone....who really has done nothing. So many people willing to follow her and let her guide the future of the nation because she was willing to be a fool. I do not know if she is a good governor, or leader, or mother. What I do know is that she has become famous simply by being in the right place at the right time, but not for doing the right thing. When our children or our grandchildren study the history of this nation, will Sarah Palin really be in the books? It is hard to imagine that the Republican Party version of Paris Hilton will be.......