This was the episode to really get the show going! Episode 1 was still part of the audition process....so here we get to see what the designers are really like now that they are in the proper mindset and have the proper expectations. Right? Hmmmm....
First...let's understand the challenge. The designers have 1 day to create a look that embodies the "Marie Claire Woman" who is apparently smart, driven, fashion forward, and (while not stated exclusively) a bit sexy. There have been Marie Claire driven episodes in the past...namely the cover challenge from Season 7 that was won by Anthony. The great "twist" to this challenge is that the winner, in lieu of immunity, will see his/her look on a 40 foot billboard for Marie Claire in Times Square. That's a huge deal people......Now, assuming everyone saw the show (too much to recap), here are my lows and highs.
The High Times:
- My highest of highlights was when Gretchen and Valerie went to see the billboard. Such a true and meaningful reaction from Gretchen....it was a sweet moment where I could be truly happy for her.
- The twist prize of the billboard really impressed me. It was more than just a magazine spot or even a cover....it was advertising to millions every day. And Coco Rocha worked the snot out of that look and the billboard was A-Mazing!
- The girls in their apartment with the wine and sleepover. 4 grown ups being all giggly was just funny.....it shows we are eternally 14 at heart.
- Tim's compliment to Mondo about turning around his first episode look. His dress was not the best made in Episode 1, but he made some fast and tasteful changes.....and it was great to see Tim open up a discussion with a compliment like that. Too often there is a focus on what needs to be different - I like that the editors kept in that bit of encouragement.
- Casanova actually put clothes on his model. I was very worried for him after the first episode with the rags and what not. His outfit was not fantastic....but it was an actual outfit that could be worn in public. PHEW!
- Everyone (read: Casanova) needs to stop the complaining. Bitching about 1 day to work, only $150 dollars for budget, and having a tough time finding things at Mood should just already be assumed circumstances. Again I ask: has anyone actually WATCHED the show before?
- Gretchen keeps helping Casanova. He asked a few designers for input or help, and of course no one wants to do the work for another designer, but she kept helping him. Maybe it is just more editing that makes this clear....but she even says that she can't resist helping him because "he is so charming." I think there is a leach growing here.
- Mondo needs to BUCK UP LITTLE CAMPER. He starts whining about not having a connection with anyone and being lonely....yet he does not assume any accountability for his feelings. If he wants to have a connection with someone, he cannot sit around and wait for others to come fawn all over him - he needs to man-up and talk first.
- Jason Troisi. That's it....just everything about him. His attitude, his construction issues, his mouth, his complaining, his excuses, and his hat. I love hats....but he is no Droog.
The judging:
- Everyone that was voted "safe" was definitely safe and should move on.
- The judges top 3: Gretchen, Valerie, Mondo. All well deserved. I liked all 3 of these looks for very different reasons. However: I did NOT like Gretchens until I saw the photo shoot....the model sold that look.
- The judges bottom 3: Peach, Jason, Nicholas.
- Any surprises? None. These were the best of the best and the worst of the worst. But overall....there was nothing really moving.
Gretchen wins....again....and Valerie had the most pouty lip I have EVER seen. And I have a 7 year old!

Jason AND Nicholas go home. Both deserved. I felt really bad for Nicholas....he was just so devastated! Jason.....F**k him.

Peach: "she is covered in Barbie's sofa"
Mondo: "this talent is a curse"......very Adrian Monk.