Well.....in my last blog entry, I told you about joining Second Life as my own social experiment in a 'life without consequences.' It has now been a whole week (actually, 10 days) since starting this off…..and already it has been quite an experience.
First, a little word about what it takes to get started in this game. When you sign up, you download a client viewer software that allows you to get in and manipulate the environment. Once you have gotten in and created your account (only requiring basic contact information), you select the basic features of an avatar. This is going to be your physical representation (‘character’) in the game……so this is the opportunity to pick some of your basic features: male or female, hair style, body shape, etc. This is honestly only very basic information because as you go through the game, you can change all of these things – even skin and eye color. You also must select a name – and a great plan for safety and control, you only make up your first name; your last name must be selected from a drop down list.
Once you have put your initial self together, you have to decide where you are going to start out this game. In Second Life there are hundreds of “worlds” called sims (simulations). There are some areas that are really designed to make starting out easier. The area I started off in was geared just for getting new players (called Residents) started out; so there were a lot of tutorials I had to go through and quite a few people who are there with the strict intention of helping a new Resident figure out the nuances. And I am really glad that I did….because it was a quiet and there were very few people – which made it easier to practice all the skills required to get around and search all of the information out there.
Now I am pretty good with walking and moving around. I have figured out camera controls, how to search, how to view profiles, and much of the other logistical workings. I think that I will be able to embark on the meatier stuff – like meeting other people and having experiences.
While not the most interesting of updates, I do have a few things to say about my impressions thus far. This “place” is a creation of genius. It is well thought out and very complete in its presentation. This world is created and really grown by the people who play in it. Businesses, artwork, events, and even families are created by the Residents for the Residents……and it’s brilliant. You can find everything from corporations to dance clubs. There are people from students to vampire rabbits. Brilliant!
Well……I am now off to find a job so that I can get an apartment in this place since the free space I am “borrowing” right now is kicking me out soon. Already…..I am getting evicted! Crazy. Hopefully my next update will include a new address.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Life Without Consequence
In the past, I have been accused of "seeking a life without consequences." Who doesn't, right? Who has not wished that at some point they didn't have to play by the rules? However, my intent in making changes to my life has never been for this reason. Dodging rules and feelings has never been my aim.
This accusation did get me thinking: Is it possible to avoid consequences?
In considering this, I have determined that there is no way to truly avoid "consequences" in the real world. Whether or not you believe in Karma, it cannot be disputed that all actions have an effect; Newton's Third Law of Motion is "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Even if you don't believe that statement on a spiritual/emotional/mental level, it is true on a physical level. What goes up, must come down. Because we live in a physical world, Newton's law holds true. There is absolutely no way to avoid consequence.
Beyond the physical aspect, there is the "human" part of it. We cannot speak or even blink without it affecting another person. As humans, we are vulnerable to how others look at us, what others say to us, and the general physical interaction between persons. Thus, again, there is no way to avoid the cause and effect (consequences). For example:
If I break off a relationship, the other person is going to be hurt and life's road changes for us both. What that other person does or says in reaction is a consequence I must face in some way. As are the new changes and challenges in my life because of not being in that relationship anymore. Perhaps I have more financial burden, or become a single parent. Perhaps this other person becomes violent. All of these are consequences I must deal with in different ways - even taking no action or taking action that leads to avoiding the person directly is still a way of dealing.
OK.....people are affected by the physical world and laws of physics as well as emotionally by other people. The real world allows no escape from consequences and dealing with them - because even not facing them is a way of dealing. What about a "non-physical" world?
What if there was a world in which the physical laws did not apply? What about being able to NOT have the impact from another person? Would this be possible?
The more I thought about this, the more curious I became. And so I decided to embark on a little experiment.
There are quite a few digital worlds, alternate realities, whatever you want to call them, via the Internet that would provide a test bed. I did not want to attempt a gaming environment for a couple of reasons: I am terrible at gaming, and those games simulate violence, injury, and death (definite consequences). So I opted to try out the more well known of the alternate environments - Second Life.
Over the next few weeks, I would like to post a series on my education in my Second Life. What is it like to "live" in another reality so to speak? What is it like to "live" another life?
Second Life has gotten some press due to a couple of events that may be considered consequences. There was a protest by some employees at a digital instance of a real company - the real company had build a business in Second Life and had employees there as well as in the real world.....and when stocks turned down in the real world and the company looked at making changes, the Second Life employees went on strike. Another couple of instances involved people finding spouses with avatars having sex with other avatars......avatarian infidelity and divorces ensued. But I wanted to explore what it would be like to live with so few rules.
Well.......I have been in Second Life for a week. I spend maybe an hour a night there trying to figure it all out. Most of my time is spent in setting up other things to make my time easier: putting together outfits so I can change more quickly, sorting out furniture in my free apartment so that I have a "home" and don't have to always be out in public as I change the clothing on my anatomically correct avatar, and figuring out controls so I can walk and communicate on a basic level.
Wish me luck. We'll post from the other side.
This accusation did get me thinking: Is it possible to avoid consequences?
In considering this, I have determined that there is no way to truly avoid "consequences" in the real world. Whether or not you believe in Karma, it cannot be disputed that all actions have an effect; Newton's Third Law of Motion is "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Even if you don't believe that statement on a spiritual/emotional/mental level, it is true on a physical level. What goes up, must come down. Because we live in a physical world, Newton's law holds true. There is absolutely no way to avoid consequence.
Beyond the physical aspect, there is the "human" part of it. We cannot speak or even blink without it affecting another person. As humans, we are vulnerable to how others look at us, what others say to us, and the general physical interaction between persons. Thus, again, there is no way to avoid the cause and effect (consequences). For example:
If I break off a relationship, the other person is going to be hurt and life's road changes for us both. What that other person does or says in reaction is a consequence I must face in some way. As are the new changes and challenges in my life because of not being in that relationship anymore. Perhaps I have more financial burden, or become a single parent. Perhaps this other person becomes violent. All of these are consequences I must deal with in different ways - even taking no action or taking action that leads to avoiding the person directly is still a way of dealing.
OK.....people are affected by the physical world and laws of physics as well as emotionally by other people. The real world allows no escape from consequences and dealing with them - because even not facing them is a way of dealing. What about a "non-physical" world?
What if there was a world in which the physical laws did not apply? What about being able to NOT have the impact from another person? Would this be possible?
The more I thought about this, the more curious I became. And so I decided to embark on a little experiment.
There are quite a few digital worlds, alternate realities, whatever you want to call them, via the Internet that would provide a test bed. I did not want to attempt a gaming environment for a couple of reasons: I am terrible at gaming, and those games simulate violence, injury, and death (definite consequences). So I opted to try out the more well known of the alternate environments - Second Life.
Over the next few weeks, I would like to post a series on my education in my Second Life. What is it like to "live" in another reality so to speak? What is it like to "live" another life?
Second Life has gotten some press due to a couple of events that may be considered consequences. There was a protest by some employees at a digital instance of a real company - the real company had build a business in Second Life and had employees there as well as in the real world.....and when stocks turned down in the real world and the company looked at making changes, the Second Life employees went on strike. Another couple of instances involved people finding spouses with avatars having sex with other avatars......avatarian infidelity and divorces ensued. But I wanted to explore what it would be like to live with so few rules.
Well.......I have been in Second Life for a week. I spend maybe an hour a night there trying to figure it all out. Most of my time is spent in setting up other things to make my time easier: putting together outfits so I can change more quickly, sorting out furniture in my free apartment so that I have a "home" and don't have to always be out in public as I change the clothing on my anatomically correct avatar, and figuring out controls so I can walk and communicate on a basic level.
Wish me luck. We'll post from the other side.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Brief Goal Update
Ok.....as stated a few weeks ago, I stated that since I refuse to do have a RESOLUTION for the new year I would go ahead and have a GOAL for the new year. My goal has been to have a scarf and/or hat made out of my stash yarn every month.
Well.....the January scarf got done on the 30th of January! Barely by the skin of my teeth! I think I still want to add some fringe to the ends, because it is just a long double crochet rectangle at the moment. We'll see.
On the 30th, I did splurge a little. That was payday, and I did get a little bonus from work, so I whooped it up and spent $5 and bought a hairpin lace loom. By the night of the 31st, I had another single column hairpin lace scarf done! Using the hairpin loom is so much easier than I thought and it is SOOOO fast! Not to mention is looks beautiful!
Well, it is now the middle of February. This month I have 2 birthdays to complete gifts for (half done now) and so I am not sure about being able to get a scarf done out of the stash this month. I am going to be so disappointed if I drop the ball on my goal only 2 months into the year! EEEEK!
My plan, I think, is going to be to complete a childs scarf this month. That way it can be far shorter, and yet still use the stash. That's my story. :-)
I will try to add some pictures a bit later. I have really slacked off too much on getting pictures of my projects and getting them posted.....so this holiday weekend I may try to step it up a little.
Have a fantastic Valentines Day! It is a Hallmark Holiday......but lovely just the same!
Smooches to you all!
Well.....the January scarf got done on the 30th of January! Barely by the skin of my teeth! I think I still want to add some fringe to the ends, because it is just a long double crochet rectangle at the moment. We'll see.
On the 30th, I did splurge a little. That was payday, and I did get a little bonus from work, so I whooped it up and spent $5 and bought a hairpin lace loom. By the night of the 31st, I had another single column hairpin lace scarf done! Using the hairpin loom is so much easier than I thought and it is SOOOO fast! Not to mention is looks beautiful!
Well, it is now the middle of February. This month I have 2 birthdays to complete gifts for (half done now) and so I am not sure about being able to get a scarf done out of the stash this month. I am going to be so disappointed if I drop the ball on my goal only 2 months into the year! EEEEK!
My plan, I think, is going to be to complete a childs scarf this month. That way it can be far shorter, and yet still use the stash. That's my story. :-)
I will try to add some pictures a bit later. I have really slacked off too much on getting pictures of my projects and getting them posted.....so this holiday weekend I may try to step it up a little.
Have a fantastic Valentines Day! It is a Hallmark Holiday......but lovely just the same!
Smooches to you all!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Nuurdy Impulses
I don't know what came over me.....or why I am so excited. On a complete impulse yesterday, I joined Twitter and Plurk. I have never even been to these sites before, but had heard them mentioned on a couple podcasts (ok I had heard of Twitter) and so I just went to the sites and joined. It is complete GEEK!!! But it just seems like fun!
Remember the days when MySpace was fun....like all these people to meet and greet and find? New "friends" to be made? But then there was all the pressure for posting blogs on there and talking lots in messages or bulletins? And then it became completely creepy? Well it seems like people who just want to chat and meet other friendly people and avoid the creepy have found a better way. Both of these sites function with shorter messages, simpler interfaces, and more accessibility.
Now.....I have NO friends or contacts on either of these sites. HA! I am totally floating in the ether alone. And somehow I don't care! I get such a kick out of being able to send a text message and just say "work is sucking!"
Maybe I will meet all kinds of new and fun people. Hope so. Maybe not......but at least I am not a TOTAL hermit!
So come find me! I am Nuurdygirl on both Plurk and Twitter.
(also Ravely, but that is a WHOLE 'nother story!)
Remember the days when MySpace was fun....like all these people to meet and greet and find? New "friends" to be made? But then there was all the pressure for posting blogs on there and talking lots in messages or bulletins? And then it became completely creepy? Well it seems like people who just want to chat and meet other friendly people and avoid the creepy have found a better way. Both of these sites function with shorter messages, simpler interfaces, and more accessibility.
Now.....I have NO friends or contacts on either of these sites. HA! I am totally floating in the ether alone. And somehow I don't care! I get such a kick out of being able to send a text message and just say "work is sucking!"
Maybe I will meet all kinds of new and fun people. Hope so. Maybe not......but at least I am not a TOTAL hermit!
So come find me! I am Nuurdygirl on both Plurk and Twitter.
(also Ravely, but that is a WHOLE 'nother story!)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Simple Things Make Me So Happy

So.....I have to share my joy. It is just too great to keep bottled up and all to myself. Over the past week, I have discovered 3 little things that have provided me with my own little nirvana.
First......I discovered my milk frother. Yes....I said FROTHER. My mother had gotten me this "thing" that is a glass carafe with a mesh insert in side; it looks exactly like my french press. However, a while ago I grabbed it out of the cupboard for some reason (I never use my french press, so I must have been looking for something else) and discovered that it was a MILK FROTHER. The idea is to put warm milk into the bottom, no more than about an inch deep, and then pump air into the milk by using the mesh insert that is attached to a knob in the lid. I tried this.....and while it did take a little bit of time, it was sooooo worth it. If you are a fan of a really good latte, then you know what I mean. Since then, I have found a hand-held type that is like a very small single beater that is battery powered. It works faster than the "hand churn" model, and it does work much better on chocolate milk than the hand churn, but I do like them both. This little bit of effort makes my weekend mornings seem so much more "luxurious". It's a silly little thing that is spoiling myself.....and every time I drink my frothy coffee, I smile and bask in the spoiling.
Second......new headphones. I have had ear-bud style plugs for my ears for ages. The headphones that wrapped around the ear were too loose and large for my ears, and ear-buds are too large to sit inside my ear. Apparently, I have small ears. So over the weekend I got a pair of obnoxious silver-pink, headband, old school, style headphones. I love them! Oh my heavens....do I love them! They fit around my ears, the sound is exceptional, and I just love being able to listen to my mp3 player so much more easily. I am really looking forward to my next business trip, and being able to comfortably listed to music and podcasts in peace and comfort. Ahhhh.......
Third.....the biggest of all. An electric blanket. When I was younger, everyone in my house had an electric blanket on his or her bed. I think this is because the winters in Utah get SO COLD, and everyone liked the house or each room to be a different. Also, it wasn't as popular to have comforters/quilts/duvets/dinas (whatever you want to call those toasty fluffy things) and so the electric blanket was just the bomb. In any case....I have not had one since I moved into my basement bedroom in 1990. Well.....my townhouse is pretty chilly; I keep it this way on purpose because I am gone so much and because it can be expensive to heat this place. On top of my place being chilly.....I am just cold quite often these days. When I would go to bed, it would be freezing against the sheets, until I had been under there for about 10 minutes. I just got fed up with it. On Saturday I went to Target, and found a full size electric blanket on clearance. It now lays across my bed (just barely covering the top) between my flat sheet and my comforter (of which I actually have two). I crank that puppy up on HIGH when I get into the shower, and let hit cook until I actually climb into bed - which is usually an hour or two later. My bed is so warm and so cozy and so comfortable.....and it is SO hard to get out in the morning. It was so comfy....that over the weekend my kids slept in with me, and even my son who is the early riser did not want to get out of bed; we all stayed curled up until 9.
It's funny how very simple changes can bring so much peace. We don't notice the little things that add up to give us grief....but I think that if we are willing to take care of those little things that we deserve, then we are more available to tackle the really big problems.
Ok......utopia and the blanket are calling me.......have a great TOASTY night!!!
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