Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nuurdy Impulses

I don't know what came over me.....or why I am so excited. On a complete impulse yesterday, I joined Twitter and Plurk. I have never even been to these sites before, but had heard them mentioned on a couple podcasts (ok I had heard of Twitter) and so I just went to the sites and joined. It is complete GEEK!!! But it just seems like fun!

Remember the days when MySpace was all these people to meet and greet and find? New "friends" to be made? But then there was all the pressure for posting blogs on there and talking lots in messages or bulletins? And then it became completely creepy? Well it seems like people who just want to chat and meet other friendly people and avoid the creepy have found a better way. Both of these sites function with shorter messages, simpler interfaces, and more accessibility.

Now.....I have NO friends or contacts on either of these sites. HA! I am totally floating in the ether alone. And somehow I don't care! I get such a kick out of being able to send a text message and just say "work is sucking!"

Maybe I will meet all kinds of new and fun people. Hope so. Maybe not......but at least I am not a TOTAL hermit!

So come find me! I am Nuurdygirl on both Plurk and Twitter.
(also Ravely, but that is a WHOLE 'nother story!)

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