Friday, February 20, 2009

A Life Without Consequence

In the past, I have been accused of "seeking a life without consequences." Who doesn't, right? Who has not wished that at some point they didn't have to play by the rules? However, my intent in making changes to my life has never been for this reason. Dodging rules and feelings has never been my aim.

This accusation did get me thinking: Is it possible to avoid consequences?

In considering this, I have determined that there is no way to truly avoid "consequences" in the real world. Whether or not you believe in Karma, it cannot be disputed that all actions have an effect; Newton's Third Law of Motion is "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Even if you don't believe that statement on a spiritual/emotional/mental level, it is true on a physical level. What goes up, must come down. Because we live in a physical world, Newton's law holds true. There is absolutely no way to avoid consequence.

Beyond the physical aspect, there is the "human" part of it. We cannot speak or even blink without it affecting another person. As humans, we are vulnerable to how others look at us, what others say to us, and the general physical interaction between persons. Thus, again, there is no way to avoid the cause and effect (consequences). For example:

If I break off a relationship, the other person is going to be hurt and life's road changes for us both. What that other person does or says in reaction is a consequence I must face in some way. As are the new changes and challenges in my life because of not being in that relationship anymore. Perhaps I have more financial burden, or become a single parent. Perhaps this other person becomes violent. All of these are consequences I must deal with in different ways - even taking no action or taking action that leads to avoiding the person directly is still a way of dealing.

OK.....people are affected by the physical world and laws of physics as well as emotionally by other people. The real world allows no escape from consequences and dealing with them - because even not facing them is a way of dealing. What about a "non-physical" world?

What if there was a world in which the physical laws did not apply? What about being able to NOT have the impact from another person? Would this be possible?

The more I thought about this, the more curious I became. And so I decided to embark on a little experiment.

There are quite a few digital worlds, alternate realities, whatever you want to call them, via the Internet that would provide a test bed. I did not want to attempt a gaming environment for a couple of reasons: I am terrible at gaming, and those games simulate violence, injury, and death (definite consequences). So I opted to try out the more well known of the alternate environments - Second Life.

Over the next few weeks, I would like to post a series on my education in my Second Life. What is it like to "live" in another reality so to speak? What is it like to "live" another life?

Second Life has gotten some press due to a couple of events that may be considered consequences. There was a protest by some employees at a digital instance of a real company - the real company had build a business in Second Life and had employees there as well as in the real world.....and when stocks turned down in the real world and the company looked at making changes, the Second Life employees went on strike. Another couple of instances involved people finding spouses with avatars having sex with other avatars......avatarian infidelity and divorces ensued. But I wanted to explore what it would be like to live with so few rules.

Well.......I have been in Second Life for a week. I spend maybe an hour a night there trying to figure it all out. Most of my time is spent in setting up other things to make my time easier: putting together outfits so I can change more quickly, sorting out furniture in my free apartment so that I have a "home" and don't have to always be out in public as I change the clothing on my anatomically correct avatar, and figuring out controls so I can walk and communicate on a basic level.

Wish me luck. We'll post from the other side.

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