Sunday, November 21, 2010

Episode 13 "Tryptophan IS Your Friend"

This very special episode is dedicated to the holiest of Holy Holidays.......TURKEY WORSHIP THURSDAY! known in some circles as Thanksgiving......

Our Thanksgiving Menu:

Turkey Breast (one roasted with veggies, garlic, and butter; one stuffed and rolled)
Peacock Family dressing
Steamed then roasted yams, apples, and jicayma
Waldorf Salad
MASHED POTATOES (mountains of potatoes)
Sliceable gravy
Whole wheat rolls
Home made cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Pie
Tres Leche cake
Apple Pie

Crazy Thanksgiving Craftiness:

Tom Turkey
Gourds and Squash
Jive Turkey Baby Hat
Turkey Leg Dishcloth
Turkey Coasters
Turkey Placemat
Turkey Hat
Thanksgiving Mitts

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Branding......A Kinky Necessity

To "brand" something means to uniquely identify a product. That product could be anything from cattle to phones, and often includes a "personal brand" for people marketing their careers on their own. Personal Branding....while in some circles is a kinky about creating yourself and your skills as a product that employers and clients alike cannot live without.

Regardless of industry, branding has become a necessity. Gone are the days when you got a job right out of school, and earned the engraved gold watch upon retiring from the same job 50 years later. Today, we enter into a field as an intern, shuffle jobs with the economy and the market, go back to school to learn something new, and even take leaps out on our own with or without an employer. Careers are something to own and take control of, and may be self-employed, full or part time, and mixed up with contracting. Branding is the act of making your career and your knowledge your own and not the property of your latest employer.

How does one go about creating a brand? Excellent question! Let's look at product brands and see what that entails. Name a popular brand.......Nike? Good choice. How do you identify Nike as a brand?

1. Defined Product. Nike is known for athletic shoes. Sure....they have shirts and hats and so on, but their bailiwick is shoes. What is your product? Are you a Powershell master? Do you have wicked teaching skills? Are you a crafter? Everyone has something that they bring to the proverbial table. This is the first step....and the key needed for everything else to fall into place. And this may change over time. Perhaps you start out as a technical writer....but over time you move out of that field and want to focus on digital photography. Your product does not need to be a THING in the traditional sense. As you grab the reigns of your career and your future, your product can be a thing, a service, a skill....but most importantly your product is YOU.

2. Memorable Logo. They have a tangible product which has a logo and a name slathered all over it. With a little creativity, or a few bucks to hire some creativity, anyone can have a personal logo. Something simple, easily identified, and that conveys the concepts that you want people to associate with you. There are many sources of free use images; just research proper use for printing and reproduction. I had a logo created for me via an artist on Etsy. I told her the idea was to incorporate what I work with (yarn and crochet hook), nerdy glasses for my handle, and a peacock feather (since Peacock is my last name). Voila! A logo I have full rights to and can use in any manner I choose....because it is mine. It sits on my blog, my business cards, my shop pages, and so on. Think about what you want people to associate with you, and talk it over with an artist. It doesn't need to be complicated or expensive. But be sure that you obtain the rights to the logo so that the use is up to your discretion, or fully understand the proper boundaries of use for your picture. This is the modern version of a branding iron.

3. Wicked Advertising. This may be the trickiest part to figure out for your personal brand. But once you start with a few learn from everyone around you and it becomes easier. Advertising today, particularly for individuals, is easier than ever before; it just takes a willingness to get out into your marketplace. Venues such as Twitter have made personal advertising so can't get away from it! Advertising is about tooting the horn....YOUR HORN! Start with tweets about projects you are working on or have completed, let the world know when you have done something great, and remind folks OFTEN! Record goals and accomplishments on a LinkedIn account. Get people to give a testimonial on LinkedIn. Put together a Blog about your product and what your product does, and let people know it is out there. All of this is Advertising. With so many means of communication and personal advertising, employers are more frequently looking at LinkedIn and Blog spaces for information about you and what you can do for them. These updates will provide an employer or client with more knowledge and insight than they can get off a resume or a 30 minute interview. And it's ok to get a little shameless with your advertising......create a coffee mug or a tote bag with your amazing logo, get business cards that are magnets and leave them with everyone, you can even get magnetic signs to put on the door of your car. Let the world know you are out there!

4. Product Placement. Nike has their shoes on every basketball player on the planet. You could watch nearly any TV show and see someone with a cap that has the Nike swooshy-logo. You, as your product, need proper placement too. This goes hand in hand with blogs and other advertising. Work with other people in your industry to put links to your information on their sites - and reciprocate that type of assistance. Get yourself involved in public events that are part of your industry: SQL Saturday, teaching conferences, or the Sock Summit. Go to the conferences and classes, and throw around the awesome cards you have made. Being invisible is the kiss of death. is easy to be seen and heard if you just have a willingness.

If you think of yourself as a product....and one that is better than the competitors......branding becomes clear and easier as time goes on. You and your skills are marketable and needed. What you have is unique and worth being proud of.....make it yours and make it valuable.

For further branding edumacation.....check out the SQL Awesomesauce for UN-SQL Friday! And tell Jen I sent ya!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Episode 12 "Give a little bit..."

Homey stuff:
Nuurdy Confession


Karma by David Cyr
Karmatron by .Lark Whiskey

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sensitive to Incentives.....

As will be discussed in the next podcast episode....I have been inspired to do more for others. I owe this spark fully to Geekboy's amazing family....they are full of giving!

To keep on that awesome theme....The Life As a NuurdyGirl podcast has it's own donation incentive plan. If you look to the right of this page, you will see a DONATE button. From this moment forward, 50% of all donations will be given to a charitable organization. The organizations will change with different months or happenings, but all will be worthwhile causes.

The first organization will be Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. This is in honor of my sweet and sometimes bratty pup, Pretzel. He came to us through SPDR when his first owner had to move into a nursing home and could not keep him any longer. He may be a stinker, but he has brought so much joy to our home. Every year SPDR finds homes for dogs of all shapes and sizes. All dogs are cared for in well supervised foster homes until the dogs find their forever homes and forever families. All dogs are brought up to date on vaccinations, spaying and neutering, and are microchipped. SPRD is one of the organizations that even gets dental cleanings done! So to help out these amazing volunteers, 50% of all donations to the podcast will be given through October 31st.

Thanks for your contribution to these sweet, slobbery, lovable, pups!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Episode 11 "La..La..La..La.."

Life in the Crafty home......

  • Hats for the Secret Squirrels! Check out Coggie's Page
  • CONGRATS to our CAL/KAL winner! AshleyMaCaulay!
  • Mmmmm.....them is some tart grapes!
  • Sock has made it to a heel flap
  • New mitties.....for my mommy and me!
  • Renaissance Faire costume in the making...
  • Don't forget to check out the ShibaGuyz!

Nuurdy Confession......

Sing! Sing! Sing!

Music gifts provided by:
Shuffle Sing by David Henderson
As Long As I'm Singing by Danny the Multitracker

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Project Runway Season8 Episode 2

This was the episode to really get the show going! Episode 1 was still part of the audition here we get to see what the designers are really like now that they are in the proper mindset and have the proper expectations. Right? Hmmmm....

First...let's understand the challenge. The designers have 1 day to create a look that embodies the "Marie Claire Woman" who is apparently smart, driven, fashion forward, and (while not stated exclusively) a bit sexy. There have been Marie Claire driven episodes in the past...namely the cover challenge from Season 7 that was won by Anthony. The great "twist" to this challenge is that the winner, in lieu of immunity, will see his/her look on a 40 foot billboard for Marie Claire in Times Square. That's a huge deal people......Now, assuming everyone saw the show (too much to recap), here are my lows and highs.

The High Times:
  1. My highest of highlights was when Gretchen and Valerie went to see the billboard. Such a true and meaningful reaction from was a sweet moment where I could be truly happy for her.
  2. The twist prize of the billboard really impressed me. It was more than just a magazine spot or even a was advertising to millions every day. And Coco Rocha worked the snot out of that look and the billboard was A-Mazing!
  3. The girls in their apartment with the wine and sleepover. 4 grown ups being all giggly was just shows we are eternally 14 at heart.
  4. Tim's compliment to Mondo about turning around his first episode look. His dress was not the best made in Episode 1, but he made some fast and tasteful changes.....and it was great to see Tim open up a discussion with a compliment like that. Too often there is a focus on what needs to be different - I like that the editors kept in that bit of encouragement.
  5. Casanova actually put clothes on his model. I was very worried for him after the first episode with the rags and what not. His outfit was not fantastic....but it was an actual outfit that could be worn in public. PHEW!
The Low-lights (there's A LOT):
  1. Everyone (read: Casanova) needs to stop the complaining. Bitching about 1 day to work, only $150 dollars for budget, and having a tough time finding things at Mood should just already be assumed circumstances. Again I ask: has anyone actually WATCHED the show before?
  2. Gretchen keeps helping Casanova. He asked a few designers for input or help, and of course no one wants to do the work for another designer, but she kept helping him. Maybe it is just more editing that makes this clear....but she even says that she can't resist helping him because "he is so charming." I think there is a leach growing here.
  3. Mondo needs to BUCK UP LITTLE CAMPER. He starts whining about not having a connection with anyone and being lonely....yet he does not assume any accountability for his feelings. If he wants to have a connection with someone, he cannot sit around and wait for others to come fawn all over him - he needs to man-up and talk first.
  4. Jason Troisi. That's it....just everything about him. His attitude, his construction issues, his mouth, his complaining, his excuses, and his hat. I love hats....but he is no Droog.

The judging:
  1. Everyone that was voted "safe" was definitely safe and should move on.
  2. The judges top 3: Gretchen, Valerie, Mondo. All well deserved. I liked all 3 of these looks for very different reasons. However: I did NOT like Gretchens until I saw the photo shoot....the model sold that look.
  3. The judges bottom 3: Peach, Jason, Nicholas.
  4. Any surprises? None. These were the best of the best and the worst of the worst. But overall....there was nothing really moving.

Gretchen wins....again....and Valerie had the most pouty lip I have EVER seen. And I have a 7 year old!

Jason AND Nicholas go home. Both deserved. I felt really bad for Nicholas....he was just so devastated! Jason.....F**k him.
Best quotes:

Peach: "she is covered in Barbie's sofa"
Mondo: "this talent is a curse"......very Adrian Monk.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Project Runway Season8 Episode 1

The time finally arrived! And I was all set with my Diet Dr. Pepper and my WWTGD shirt (What Would Tim Gunn Do?). Season 8 had arrived!

And....for the record.....I am tremendously excited to get this season in HIGH DEFINITION! Show me those stitches!
The first thing that I found to be a nice little twist was that all of the participants met up at different areas around the city in groups of 3 or 4. This gave everyone the chance to break the ice with other contestants in neutral territory and in a more manageable group. These small collections of people then converged together at Lincoln Center to learn that they had 5 hours to complete a challenge that would determine if they were truly on the show. NOW FOR THE TWIST! Each designer had to select an item from their suitcase to be included in the final look - but pass it to the designer on his or her left. So each designer inherited an article of clothing.

To be considerate, Mood brought fabric to Parsons rather than the designers taking time to go do mood or having the producers pony up a budget for that many individuals. "Mood Annex" is what Tim called it. Can I get one of those at my house?

At the time of Tim's check-in, I was hoping to see an interview with each of the designers. But I suppose that 17 people are a lot to get through. At the end of those interviews, by pick for top 3 and bottom 3 were McKell, Gretchen, Mondo then Casanova, Jason, and Kristin (respectively). I also thing Peach was in the bottom simply because she only used the knit as a trim and she didn't have any other idea what she wanted. I really felt that McKells dress was the cutest thing up was colorful, tasteful, fun, and well done.
The most irritating part for me was Jason Troisi dressing his model. He even commented about her.....ummmm......physicality on camera. He admitted he could not stop staring at her chest. How tacky and demeaning you can be?

My thoughts on the meeting and time leading up to the challenge:

1. Really like that the designers met in different parts of the city in small groups - breaks the ice in a nice way.

2. Gretchen and Jason meeting was SO AWKWARD! I hope they didn't have to stand around in a weird silence or very long

3. The first challenge is actually the end of the audition - so no one was headed "home" yet. I liked that the "audition" process included a demonstration of working under these kinds of pressures. 5 hours was pretty darn steep, but I think that it is a very important component to the competition.

4. The additional twist to the challenge was that each designer had to pick one item from his or her suitcase to incorporate into the finished design - but pass the item to another designer. So each individual had to use something of someone else's. What I found so funny about this was that some of the designers (Casanova) were distraught over what happened to their items - like they thought there were going to get them back or something!

My thoughts on the challenge time:

1. So many people complained about the time. OK.....I understand that only 5 hours is pretty drastic, but it almost seemed like everyone was shocked at the idea of a tight timeframe.

2. Ivy totally jinxed herself by calling this the "Ivy show". Kudos for having some confidence....but if we have learned nothing else, it is that over confidence can curse you.

3. Jason Troisi was one of my favorites going into this season. His behavior, especially with his model and her issues dressing, was really terrible. Thanks for proving to the world that you are not gay by talking about how you wanted to grope your girl. Classy. doofus.

My thoughts on the outcome:

1. Overall I think everyone did OK for a 5-hour-not-in-the-right-mindset-challenge. This surprise challenge played with the emotional state of all these folks being nervous and away from home.....and no one cried too hard so that is good.

2. The designers that got a pass deserved their pass. Nothing stellar or horrible.....just average and safe.

3. Gretchen was the winner. There is no doubt that she did a nice job with the dress - the beaded jacket she had to work with could have been tough and she was smart to go with the "essence" of the design and not over work it. However, I did not think it was all that flattering or interesting. I liked others better. But I think where the judges were unanimous in their liking, she got the win.
4. Everyone else was on the S**T list. I could see this being necessary for Casanova and his handkerchief-stripper-gown and April who turned a jacket inside out and didn't finish an edge anywhere.

5. I disagreed with McKell being out....and not just because she is a "hometown girl". I think she had a great idea with the use of the shirt, I think that the fit was better than some of the others, I think that the proportion was far better than some as well. The bag she chose to go with it was no good, but loose the bag and I thought there was terrific potential in that dress.

My thoughts on the judges:

1. Heidi, Michael, and Nina are the same as we have come to expect.

2. Michael tries to come up with one-line zingers that sometimes work and often fail, but to see him try to do those on the spot is kinda funny. My favorite will always be "barefoot-Apalchian-Barbie."

3. Nina translating for Casanova was kind of funny. Nice to see her make that effort, but if this has to be done every runway show she is going to get tired of it.

4. Selma Blair was a terrific guest judge. I often find her style dowdy, but her critiques were very well thought out and communicated. She was fair. And she was truly engaged in this challenge and what the designers did....she did not shrug off any of the importance of her words.

So.....we are now at 16 designers. I think we will see at least 2 episodes where 2 people get cut. With the results of the first episode, I was hoping that 2 or 3 got cut this first round. Fewer designers will help keep the show tight.

What are your thoughts on the premier? Who was your favorite and who was in your bottom pick? Any challenges you are hoping to see? Speak up!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hitting the Runway!

'Tis the season......

Season 8 of Project Runway, that is! This show is very near and dear to my I wanted to include all of you in the info and share the Challenge Love!

This season kicks off on July 29th at 9pm eastern/pacific....with a surprising 17 designers. The filming has either wrapped up already, or will very shortly. The designers who make it to the end will be showing their final challenge collections at Fashion Week running September 9 through 16th in New York. The winner, as usual, gets a boat load of goodies that include some stunning opportunities: $100,000 from L’Oréal Paris to start an independent clothing line, a technology suite from HP and Intel that is valued at $50,000, and a deal to sell the new line on There is also a spread in Marie Claire that goes along with winning for both the winning designer and his/her model. You can see the article with Season 7 winner, Seth Aaron Henderson, online --> HERE!

Let's start off with my initial impressions of the designers - highlights style

  • AJ Thouvenot: He's from and lives in Missouri, and does design work for TrashBiscuit. His influence and style is very Club wear - and an inspiration of his is Cyndi Lauper. I like that he is not a typical designer that focuses on women or bridal stuff - but club wear can grate on your nerves after mere moments.....modern disco can only go so far, you know. I am interested to see what he does, and how he evolves with the challenges.
  • Andy South: A young kid from Hawaii with some passion. He states his style icon is Audrey Hepburn, but nothing of his work even hints and the the great Ms. Audrey. His portfolio shows some examples that range from off-the-rack wearable to costumey. It looks like that he has great construction skills, but I am not really WOWed by what I see. My initial opinion is that he needs to step it up, and fast.
  • April Johnston: Not just young but practically a BABY from Savannah, GA. Maybe she is hoping for some great Carol Hannah luck! But my first gut reaction is that this girl worries me. Her photos for the show don't show off a single garment that she has made - and her portfolio is more snapshots and sketches than actual finished work. Being so young on a show like this is tough and risky....
  • Casanova: least this guy is an adult. And he has been working as a designer already, so he has a good idea of the demands that face him. Without much in the way of photos for his work, I can't get a good sense of his aesthetic....but with only a first name, I am hoping that he is not driving to the competition in the pretentiousness Porche.
  • Christopher Collins: The first West Coast designer on my list. He draws his inspiration from big names, but also from his mother and grandmother - and I am a mom, so I think this is just sweet. The photos of his past work show what look like, to me, very off-the-rack-I-could-find-it-today-at-Dillards sort of stuff.....hope he has the gestational fortitude to push the envelope.
  • Gretchen Jones: Whoever did the publicity photos this year should seriously apologize to Gretchen - I thought she was in her 40s and was STUNNED to see she is only 28! Her portfolio shows some very nice pieces, but nothing really intriguing. Here's hoping she figures out how color works....
  • Ivy Higa: The second designer to be from Hawaii! How great is that! Her past work is nothing earth-shattering, but it is a very wearable style. I think that she has a good editing eye - which can be good, but risks getting boring.
  • Jason Triosi: The first entry I have seen who is NOT working in fashion to pay the bills.....he is a landscaper. And my first impression is that he is one of my favorites. His style is more edgy and a little quirky, but still wearable. I also like that he has some menswear shown in his portfolio. Definitely keeping my eye on him!
  • Kristin Haskins Simms: This lovely lady hails from the City of Brotherly love and has some good experience in design (fashion and graphic) as well as teaching. Her style is appealingly urban, but my concern in looking at some of the photos is about fit and proportion. If the models change around much, this might be a struggle for her.
  • McKell Maddox: I initially have a soft spot for this gal....because she hails from near where I grew up in Utah. ROOT FOR THE HOME TEAM! Her work pre-Runway has a very nice aesthetic, and seems to walk the perfect line of wearable and edgy where the right accessories make the decision - but not the whole outfit. My only wonder is if she can do menswear....or if that will even be a challenge this time around!
  • Michael Costello: I will be honest and say that all I can see or repeat when I think of Michael is CLEAVAGE! Every dress that was shown in his photos or portfolio was all about the boobs....and that is risky on the fit if you don't have time to make it perfect. His work is nice....but knowing how these challenges usually go, makes me fear for his model.
  • Michael Drummond: Nice to see a Knitwear designer join in the competition (right, Ravelers?) but I have to agree with bloggers Tom and Lorenzo and ask: how well will a knitwear designer do in a competition that rarely uses knits? Maybe he will make a showing a-la Irina.
  • Mondo Guerra: I was initally turned off by the press photo of this gentleman on the Project Runway site. But once I looked at his portfolio all I can say is "THANK YOU FOR USING COLOR!!"
  • Nicholas D'Aurizio: Nicholas is currently a handbag designer, which gives him the potential to have a different view from other designers - he is coming from a different place. However, the photos released of his past work shows his stuff to be B-L-A-H and more like what I made in high school than anything.
  • Peach Carr: How cute is the name Peach? Especially for a woman who is very put together, and not a 20-something still figuring out her college major. Her previous work is very simple, but not boring. There are lots of examples of baby-doll dresses, so I hope she is not a one-trick pony.....but each dress was a bit different and I personally love them.
  • Sarah Trost: Having spent many years in theatre, I have a soft spot for a costume designer like Sarah. Her drawings show influence from what seems like old-school Hollywood, but there is also a disturbing high number of sketches using masks.....a little comi-con?
  • Valerie Mayen: This is my girl to watch. She has the most clear, cohesive, and wearable point of view in my opinion. From her sample pictures, she has a great instinct and what looks like terrific craftsmanship.
There has been some terrific press for this season....including an interview on Good Morning America that I found very interesting. Check it out ---> HERE!

As always, Heidi, Michael, and Nina will be judging...and some special guest judges will also join in the catty goodness. Selma Blair is guest judging the first the pressure starts early! Also heard around the water cooler that Betsy Johnson is slated as a guest you KNOW that has to be fun!

Blogging for the show this season are Nick Verreos who was STELLAR in season 2 (I don't care what Michael Kors said about the fish-tail gowns); the ever amazing Laura Bennett; and the can't-help-but-love-her Carol Hannah Whitfield. Everyone's favorite dashing man, Tim Gunn, will also be blogging his candid view again this season.

My goal for this season (since there is no Fantasy Game to work on) will be to put up my own blog post for each episode. Please add you comments as we go....and let's let everyone at Project Runway know how the real-world-folks view all the wackiness!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Episode 10 "The Tin Edition..."

Getting into the TIN EDITION

Homey Stuff:

  • Love my Pretzel-pup!
  • Holy Grapes, Batman! check out the before and after - only a couple weeks difference!
  • I am so totally overcommitted!

Nuurdy Confession:

  • No confession this week.....but announcement of the CAL/KAL!
  • Delphi hat from ShibaGuyz
  • ShibaGuyz RAWK! And will be providing some handspun for a little finished-the-CAL/KAL-prize

Music Goodness:
Funsize by Andre Morgunoff
Too Much Fun by Deni Bonet

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Episode 9 "These Boots Are Made For....."

Let's get some Yummy, Fluffy, Homey, Goodness......

Prayer Shawls for Princess K done in Lionbrand Homespun
Blue Jawbreaker sock getting done in some sort of blue sock yarn
Starting the Simple Crochet Shrug for lil ol' me
Chili Sauce is on the way! (recipe and recipe book is still lost in the packing madness)

Nuurdy Confession:
"One must always have one's boots on and be ready to go." ~Michel de Montaigne

I do loves my boots!

Musical love:
Quicksand in Your Boots by 3rd Man
New Boots by Sputnik

Monday, June 14, 2010

Episode 8 "Soccer Mom"

Holy cow I am out of practice with this podcast-thing!

Homey Stuff.....not been home enough for "nesting" stuff:

  • Spent a month moving. I hope I never to this again. Ok, in a couple years I will want to do this again....but right now I am DONE
  • Here is the view from new Cottage Dumskalle
  • Rushed through the last of moving, then hit BIRTHDAY PARTY SEASON!
  • Pump it Up ROCKS!!!

Nuurdy Confession: FUTBOL!

Get your game face on!

Music goodness provided by Music Alley:

The Carnival Life for Me by Soccergirl, Inc
Football World by GTAA

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Journey Home

This brief message is a quickie to let you know there will be no podcast this week.

If you are a listener of QN (and if you are not you SHOULD BE!) you may recall that last year the QN clan moved from their Ivory Tower to an Enchanted Cottage. With mad-cap antics to ensue, Geekboy and I will be doing the same this weekend. No....we are not moving to the QN Enchanted Cottage, but will instead be moving to Cottage Dumskalle.

Episode 8 should be forthcoming in another week or so. In the meantime, please keep the notes on your own Nuurdy confessions coming and I am still looking for gardening tips and tricks.

Thank you everyone!

Go forth and GEEK!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Episode 7 "Just a School Girl"

Homey Nesting Stuff:

Holy Cow I rode a Camel!
This week is full of school trips
Bebe-socks are starting all over
Princess K shawl #2 is finally started
xraiko has created the wonderful Nuurdygirl logo! Go check out her stuff!

Nuurdy Confession: I am a complete School Girl

Awesome music contributors:
West School Mitch by AudioUK
Reform School Girl by Nick Curran
Off to School Again by transparencies

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Episode 6 "The Lovely Notes"

Crafty Catchup:

  • OMG! I have a shawl! Pattern is HERE
  • Shawl number 2 gets some yarn
  • Socks are planned but not yet started.....this is dangerous! Yarn is HERE

Nuurdy Confession: The Notebook

My still-to-be-used notebooks at home.

Music provided by the Podsafe Music Network
My Assistant will Take Notes by Porno Soundtracks
Note to Self by Michael's Nervous

Friday, March 26, 2010

Episode 5 "Outsider"


Crafty catch up this week:Nuurdy Confession: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

Music provided by the Podsafe Music Network
Rumble by Jeff Hightower
Cherry by Josh Woodward

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Moving Update

So far..... I love my new home!

The podcast has been moved to Libsyn, and the rss feed is listed below. The feed for updates to the right is also updated.

For the next episode or two, I will upload to both host locations so that anyone wanting to pick them up will have the info.



New rss feed:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Going to get Moving

Hey everyone!

If you have tried to download the last episode (Make It Work) then you know that the service hosting my podcast is less than perfect. No where near perfect. It sucks.

Over the next couple of days I am going to move all of the existing episodes to a new hosting service, so the feeds on this blog will change. Some of you have asked about getting my feed into iTunes, and this is what I am waiting for before loading it in the iTunes listing.

Hang tight! Sorry for any inconvenience!

All show-notes and comments will remain here, so feel free to drop me a line!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Episode 4 "Make It Work!"

On this VERY SPECIAL episode of Life As A Nuurdy Girl........the PROJECT RUNWAY SPECIAL!

  • My homage to Tim Gunn
  • An explanation of my favorite designers:

Fashionable Tunes provided by the Podsafe Music Network:
Passion for Fashion by Craymo
Cheney Don't Surf by The Fashionistas

Friday, February 19, 2010

Episode 2 "Big Bang Baby!"

I HAVE 2 LISTENERS!!!! Hello to Mandi and Nic!
Sweaters are DONE! But shawls still linger. However, I have started socks...had my first etsy sale.....and threw in some last minute crochet for my sweet dad.


This week's Nuurdy Confession is all about a brilliant little show called Big Bang Theory.

Remember to GO FORTH AND GEEK!

Another TV Dinner by Aardvark
Big Bang by Nashville Session Players

Because I have mentioned him enough now...... WIL WHEATON

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Episode 2 "Seconds Anyone?"

Baby sweaters continue.....with some new changes to the trim.
Shawls are still progressing - slow but sure
I can't seem to shake this case of STARTITIS!

Nuurdy Confession: living a Second Life

Baby Sweaters: Baby It's Cold Outside from
Baby Hat: Little Monkey from Stitch and Bitch Crochet


Forgotten Nerds by From Us
My Avatar by Antiqcool
As I Roved Out by Bill Grogans Goat

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Episode 1 "Indians"

This week we have a redux of episode 1.......getting a little more put together.

Crafty Status reports a new quilt getting started, delayed but reasonable progress on prayer shawls for Princess K, and baby sweaters all around!!

Prayer Shawl pattern: Prayer Shawl/Healing Shawl from Lionbrand
Baby Sweater pattern: Baby It's Cold Outside from


I reveal my oldest nuurdy confession.....and it's all about Wil Wheaton and crinkling Indians.

Music provided by Music Alley/Podsafe Music Network

A Lot Like You by 3 minute Pop Songs
Geekquilibrium by Dr Awkward
A Cup of Coffee in Winter by Bob Savage