Friday, November 13, 2009
Forgetting Sarah Marshall...I mean....Palin
The ad touted this book at the "most sought after book this year....and it isn't even released yet." I realize that I may try to keep a low profile and that I am not the most active of political bodies, but I am sure that if Sarah Palin had done something so remarkable as to warrant a high demand, I would have remembered.
Sarah Palin was a great face for the Republican party. All of the pundits and reporters stated that she breathed new life into the party. However, I can only see that she brought a spark and "new life" by being an attractive woman who was not afraid to be loud. What great policies did she forge? What oppression did she lift? What new paths did she carve? What has she divined? Indeed, what unscripted question did she ever answer?
I am disappointed that an intelligent community such as ours is so ready to prop up someone....who really has done nothing. So many people willing to follow her and let her guide the future of the nation because she was willing to be a fool. I do not know if she is a good governor, or leader, or mother. What I do know is that she has become famous simply by being in the right place at the right time, but not for doing the right thing. When our children or our grandchildren study the history of this nation, will Sarah Palin really be in the books? It is hard to imagine that the Republican Party version of Paris Hilton will be.......
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Nuurdygirl Ventures to New York
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My Goodness What a Week!
As you may recall, the week before this one was the Week of Suspension in which my son had to deal with the consequences of joking about breaking the law, and was trapped working at home for a week. Monday morning brought his return to school.....started off with a meeting in the principals office. He did not want me there (only his dad) and so I had to hear about the results. He had written a letter to the Principal apologizing for what he had done, and explaining why his joking was inappropriate. It was sweet and beautiful, and 2 pages of more thought than ever expected. He was so relieved to get back to school! And I was so proud to have him really think through what had happened and be able to learn from the experience.
The biggest joy this week is the countdown to my Geekboy moving! In barely over 2 weeks, we will be on the road driving from the East Coast to the West Coast to finally get some living done! This has been a very long time in coming.....and a most welcome relief. Everyday he and I check the counter that ticks away the days and the hours....loving how the numbers keep getting smaller.
This is an event that has been more than a year in the making, and has held up so many other events in life. So many other pursuits. And to be on the verge of action is so exciting! It's more than exciting.....its thrilling and frightening and wonderful!
Because of this amazing thrill, nothing could have brought me down. Not my kids throwing tantrums, not work being crazy busy and sometimes out of control, not my ex stirring up drama, not being completely broke and struggling for pennies. Nothing. It all just rolled off....because it is all fleeting and insignificant in the realization that true happiness and peace in my heart are arriving.
This, however, has brought me to feel a little sad. Not for myself or my children....but for some others in my life that I see hanging on to what brings them their own sadness. There are people in my life who are so set in thinking of happiness in a certain way, that when other chances for happiness or changes for happiness present themselves, these people refuse to see it or try it. Joy and peace are part of a journey, and not a destination of themselves. You have to take chances and go through hurt to keep finding the wonderful spots along the road.
I have often remembered a quote this week. Forgive me if I get it a bit wrong, but the meaning is the same.
"Hell is doing the same things over and over, but expecting a different result."
At this point for me, the chances I have taken have given new results. The part of the journey I am on is beautiful! And I hope that it continues a while longer, and that others find their own way onto this road.
For myself....I am going to keep along this path and take it slow. I am going to savour every delicious moment with smiles, and butterfilies in my stomach, and a spring in my step. I am going to watch the calendar and the counter to the time my Geekboy is finally near me and not just on the phone with a constant giggle of delight. I am going to remember that all the other little moments of drama and tantrum are nothing more than minor bumps in the road. And I will try to keep my kiddos entertained on this journey and show others how great it is to take the chances for happiness.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Week of Suspension
My brain and my heart have been very prepared to get called to the principals office for my daughter. She is feisty and will really fight when she needs (or feels the need) to. However what knocked me off my feet this week was getting called by the school pricipal regarding my son.....and having my son SUSPENDED for 4 days.
Bug (my son) and a few of his friends had been discussing some changes they wanted with the computer lab, and it escalated into a joke that involved breaking into the school. Now.....these boys are 11, and I know they are not going to really go through with it. However, I do agree that they cannot joke around about something that is illegal and/or will cause harm to another person or place. Better to have a slightly excessive punishment now in the 5th grade, than to go too light and have him think he can get away with something in High School that will show up on his record and keep him out of a college. And so he has been parked at home for the last week......and his room has never looked cleaner!!!
There are all kinds of discussions that can go on about how to handle such a situation, and what punishments are fair or excessive. However, I think what is interesting is how this affects you as a parent. The feelings of concern and disappointment are so heavy......and the desire to give in and just hug them and say "hey....let's not do this again" and then go get ice cream are overwhelming.
When we went through setting up his home punishment on top of the school punishment, it was so very hard. I think I cried more than Bug did....but it was pretty close. He felt so terrible about what had happened (and I am sure about getting caught) that it just broke my heart. Because of this he had to drop out of the school talent show which he had worked very hard for and had to audition was the highlight of the year for him I think. My heart was took everything I had to not wrap my arms around him and just say "it's ok". Had to keep reminding myself it really isn't ok.....but it will be.
Let's be honest....we all did KID things when we were young. We were stupid and made foolish choices....just like our kids do now. But I realize now that there is no way I could understand then the impact this had on my own parents. The worry, fear, and sadness must have been extraordinary!
Bug is a good kid. He is a GREAT kid. And all of this trouble has not changed my view on that in the slightest. I know he is just as great as before because he really knows what he did. He is remorseful. And if he wasn't a good kid, he would simply be angry with the situation. He has worked around the house, cleaned his rooms at both his fathers house as well as mine, done all of his homework, written an apology letter to the principal, and given up all his privledges (games, movies, etc) without a whine or complaint. When his sister, Bean, offered to let him play on the computer after her....he even told her "I can't until at least tomorrow."
Today is Sunday, and he will be going back to school tomorrow. He and his father will be meeting with the principal in the morning (Bug says he didn't want me there - just his dad) and Bug has an apology letter to read and give him. He has done so very well, that I want to let him have all of his privleges back. He has pacified himself by helping to coach his sister through all of the computer games and such when not in the midst of cleaning his room. I want to say "I love you....have at at" but I can't. I will be tough.....and just try to not seem mean.
But with any luck....this was just a one time thing for him. I am still sure this was just practice for me.....for when Bean gets into that row and throws her great right hook.
p.s. Sorry to my folks. Everytime something like this happens with my children....I am compelled for doing it to my parents. So....sorry. Again. :-)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Importance of a Map
What about going somewhere a bit more familiar? Maybe you have been there once or twice, but it has been a while. A map is far superior to memory, and a lifesaver when you come across changes such as traffic revisions, new landmarks, etc.
I am finding out that life, and in particular love, is more like a journey or road trip than I had ever realized. Love is shaping up to be the cross country car ride with your embarrassing grandparents to visit the largest ball of string and the oldest walnut tree, where you get car sick and your little brother just won't stop looking at you!
Once we have reached adulthood, usually we have been on a couple of these excursions. We have had crushes, been in love, been loved, and found heartbreak. In lucky cases, that journey turns out to be the romantic getaway to Paris with that special someone; where you enjoy the time even when the luggage gets lost and no one speaks English in the restaurant.
But when we are adults it is more and more important to have those maps. We no longer have our youth and vibrancy and stupidity to allow us to just blindly try over and over again. We have commitments and goals, and desires never thought of in our youth - and to not reach them all is devastating.
And love is that journey to somewhere familiar.....but not visited in a long time. No matter how many times you try, you know what you want, you recognize some of the signs around you, but you are never really sure of where to turn.
I have been dating someone recently in my life... and everyday I wish I had picked up a map back at the gas station. We seem to have the same idea of our destination, and when we talk the directions through they sound the same... yet I often find myself looking around at the stops and find myself alone. We get in touch, talk again, and start off on the road... only to find that somewhere we took different exits on the turnpike.
These latest stops are closer than ever to the "destination"....but it is still only me arriving there. This leaves me with two choices: wait for him and hope that he finds me while I sit scared and alone, or go on to where I want to be without him. It is like we both WANT to go to Disneyland and ride Space Mountain, but he parked in the Eeyore lot, and I have already taken the shuttle from the Timon lot and am almost to the entrance.
Know that when you get to exit 72, you have gone too far.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Nothing Says Spring Like Icicles
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My So Called Life cannot have any life without consequences.
For a month, I have been in my own little social experiment. And at the end of this month, I have come to the conclusion that even with having the ability to fly, and the inability to get hurt or die, there are still consequences that cannot be avoided.
Let's talk practical cause and effect first. In this Second Life, you have the option of finding a home. It truly is optional, but of course a very nice thing to have for some privacy and an escape when needed. Homes (houses, apartments, etc) cost money.....which means that either a real-life person needs to put up a few bucks, or a second lifer needs to get a job. You have to pay rent and keep up that obligation - or you get evicted. And if you are evicted, you run the risk of not being able to rent or buy any other place later on. Having a job brings on a new level of responsibility - in that you have to work your designated shifts, and fulfil deliverables, and live up to the expectations of your employer. Sound familiar? Not keeping up any of these pieces will mean the loss of your job.....and we all understand what that leads to.
The real questions, though, are about the intangible things. The relationships and feelings that we are trying to avoid in places like Second Life. I have seen people date, get married, have kids, get divorced, and just "play the field" in Second Life. What I have observed is that people form the same sorts of relationships that we look for in real life, but no matter how hard we try to be feeling-less, there is still a real person behind the avatar. There may not be the physical feelings and reactions, but there is still a mind and heart behind all of there is still joy, pain, love, and heartache, to be felt.
This kind of life leads to a new way to experience everything we as humans have in the real life. For those that are short sighted and a little silly.....this is just a way to fool around in a cyber arena. But by far and away the people I know are the smart ones....and use this game as a tool to make their real lives better: chat with real life loved ones far away, bring a new dimension to a real life love, or find those friendships they feel safe in - where they haven't found it in the external world.
No. There is no life without consequences. No matter what steps are taken, there is still a real person with real feelings and real thoughts behind every non-real word and action. There is still a community to care for in a digital to be done, bills to pay, and people to take care of. There are even pets to raise!
Even without being able to escape the "hardships" of life in this game.....I am very glad I have joined it. I have been afforded the opportunity to meet people I would never EVER meet otherwise, and I have had the chance to try things that could never happen anywhere else. I have seen digital renditions of classic artwork. I have been to live streaming-audio concerts of new musicians from around the world. There may be no lack of consequences.....but I have found that the consequences I come across are certainly worth it for what I have gained.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Getting a Life
This little Second Life is more like real life than I had anticipated. Perhaps in a less extreme sense, but still very much the same. You can float through life without too much effort, and have a reasonably good time; however, the more you put into the game the more you get out of it. You can get a job, earn money (not real life currency), and even rent or build a home. The more time and energy you put into the game - the better "things" you have to enrich your life and the more people you meet to spend this "life" with.
The people that I have met have surprised me as well. I have not met a large number of people, but they have all been extremely helpful. Everyone that I have met realizes that the more people that have a good experience in the game, the more will stay, and the community is made better overall. The more people in the game.....the more money is exchanged.....the more perspectives on life......the more opportunities that can be shared. No one has given me a hard time for the silly questions I have asked or the faux pas that I have thrown out. And I have been encouraged to try so many things and take great risks.....all with support of virtual friends.
Speaking of the people.....I think the relationships aspect has fascinated me most of all. Most people (if they have heard of Second Life at all) have heard of the instances where Second Life players have had "cyber affairs" and had real life marriages ruined.....and to be sure this occurs and there are plenty of ways to find cyber sex. However, what I have found is that within the game....people form the same kinds of relationships that are found in real life - but often more deliberately. For example, people form romantic relationships and have marriages in the game, people form families with different individuals taking the roles of parents etc, and there is even ways to simulate pregnancy or pursue an adoption of a child. People are reaching out in this new technological way to form the bonds we crave as human beings. Additionally, many of the people that I have encountered play the game with their real life partners in the mix. It has been fascinating to see that this game has become an extension of these peoples real lives.....another way of communicating across the miles.
For myself, I have taken steps to become a more contributory member of society. I have gained employment, and am even renting the cutest apartment (furnished and complete with a hot tub). I am finding that the time and effort to keep a job is much like in my real life - just on a slightly smaller scale. My next move is to schedule time to take classes and further my education via Second Life. Maybe I will last a little longer in a virtual university than I did in a real one.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Beginning My New "Life"
First, a little word about what it takes to get started in this game. When you sign up, you download a client viewer software that allows you to get in and manipulate the environment. Once you have gotten in and created your account (only requiring basic contact information), you select the basic features of an avatar. This is going to be your physical representation (‘character’) in the game……so this is the opportunity to pick some of your basic features: male or female, hair style, body shape, etc. This is honestly only very basic information because as you go through the game, you can change all of these things – even skin and eye color. You also must select a name – and a great plan for safety and control, you only make up your first name; your last name must be selected from a drop down list.
Once you have put your initial self together, you have to decide where you are going to start out this game. In Second Life there are hundreds of “worlds” called sims (simulations). There are some areas that are really designed to make starting out easier. The area I started off in was geared just for getting new players (called Residents) started out; so there were a lot of tutorials I had to go through and quite a few people who are there with the strict intention of helping a new Resident figure out the nuances. And I am really glad that I did….because it was a quiet and there were very few people – which made it easier to practice all the skills required to get around and search all of the information out there.
Now I am pretty good with walking and moving around. I have figured out camera controls, how to search, how to view profiles, and much of the other logistical workings. I think that I will be able to embark on the meatier stuff – like meeting other people and having experiences.
While not the most interesting of updates, I do have a few things to say about my impressions thus far. This “place” is a creation of genius. It is well thought out and very complete in its presentation. This world is created and really grown by the people who play in it. Businesses, artwork, events, and even families are created by the Residents for the Residents……and it’s brilliant. You can find everything from corporations to dance clubs. There are people from students to vampire rabbits. Brilliant!
Well……I am now off to find a job so that I can get an apartment in this place since the free space I am “borrowing” right now is kicking me out soon. Already…..I am getting evicted! Crazy. Hopefully my next update will include a new address.
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Life Without Consequence
This accusation did get me thinking: Is it possible to avoid consequences?
In considering this, I have determined that there is no way to truly avoid "consequences" in the real world. Whether or not you believe in Karma, it cannot be disputed that all actions have an effect; Newton's Third Law of Motion is "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Even if you don't believe that statement on a spiritual/emotional/mental level, it is true on a physical level. What goes up, must come down. Because we live in a physical world, Newton's law holds true. There is absolutely no way to avoid consequence.
Beyond the physical aspect, there is the "human" part of it. We cannot speak or even blink without it affecting another person. As humans, we are vulnerable to how others look at us, what others say to us, and the general physical interaction between persons. Thus, again, there is no way to avoid the cause and effect (consequences). For example:
If I break off a relationship, the other person is going to be hurt and life's road changes for us both. What that other person does or says in reaction is a consequence I must face in some way. As are the new changes and challenges in my life because of not being in that relationship anymore. Perhaps I have more financial burden, or become a single parent. Perhaps this other person becomes violent. All of these are consequences I must deal with in different ways - even taking no action or taking action that leads to avoiding the person directly is still a way of dealing.
OK.....people are affected by the physical world and laws of physics as well as emotionally by other people. The real world allows no escape from consequences and dealing with them - because even not facing them is a way of dealing. What about a "non-physical" world?
What if there was a world in which the physical laws did not apply? What about being able to NOT have the impact from another person? Would this be possible?
The more I thought about this, the more curious I became. And so I decided to embark on a little experiment.
There are quite a few digital worlds, alternate realities, whatever you want to call them, via the Internet that would provide a test bed. I did not want to attempt a gaming environment for a couple of reasons: I am terrible at gaming, and those games simulate violence, injury, and death (definite consequences). So I opted to try out the more well known of the alternate environments - Second Life.
Over the next few weeks, I would like to post a series on my education in my Second Life. What is it like to "live" in another reality so to speak? What is it like to "live" another life?
Second Life has gotten some press due to a couple of events that may be considered consequences. There was a protest by some employees at a digital instance of a real company - the real company had build a business in Second Life and had employees there as well as in the real world.....and when stocks turned down in the real world and the company looked at making changes, the Second Life employees went on strike. Another couple of instances involved people finding spouses with avatars having sex with other avatars......avatarian infidelity and divorces ensued. But I wanted to explore what it would be like to live with so few rules.
Well.......I have been in Second Life for a week. I spend maybe an hour a night there trying to figure it all out. Most of my time is spent in setting up other things to make my time easier: putting together outfits so I can change more quickly, sorting out furniture in my free apartment so that I have a "home" and don't have to always be out in public as I change the clothing on my anatomically correct avatar, and figuring out controls so I can walk and communicate on a basic level.
Wish me luck. We'll post from the other side.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Brief Goal Update
Well.....the January scarf got done on the 30th of January! Barely by the skin of my teeth! I think I still want to add some fringe to the ends, because it is just a long double crochet rectangle at the moment. We'll see.
On the 30th, I did splurge a little. That was payday, and I did get a little bonus from work, so I whooped it up and spent $5 and bought a hairpin lace loom. By the night of the 31st, I had another single column hairpin lace scarf done! Using the hairpin loom is so much easier than I thought and it is SOOOO fast! Not to mention is looks beautiful!
Well, it is now the middle of February. This month I have 2 birthdays to complete gifts for (half done now) and so I am not sure about being able to get a scarf done out of the stash this month. I am going to be so disappointed if I drop the ball on my goal only 2 months into the year! EEEEK!
My plan, I think, is going to be to complete a childs scarf this month. That way it can be far shorter, and yet still use the stash. That's my story. :-)
I will try to add some pictures a bit later. I have really slacked off too much on getting pictures of my projects and getting them this holiday weekend I may try to step it up a little.
Have a fantastic Valentines Day! It is a Hallmark Holiday......but lovely just the same!
Smooches to you all!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Nuurdy Impulses
Remember the days when MySpace was all these people to meet and greet and find? New "friends" to be made? But then there was all the pressure for posting blogs on there and talking lots in messages or bulletins? And then it became completely creepy? Well it seems like people who just want to chat and meet other friendly people and avoid the creepy have found a better way. Both of these sites function with shorter messages, simpler interfaces, and more accessibility.
Now.....I have NO friends or contacts on either of these sites. HA! I am totally floating in the ether alone. And somehow I don't care! I get such a kick out of being able to send a text message and just say "work is sucking!"
Maybe I will meet all kinds of new and fun people. Hope so. Maybe not......but at least I am not a TOTAL hermit!
So come find me! I am Nuurdygirl on both Plurk and Twitter.
(also Ravely, but that is a WHOLE 'nother story!)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Simple Things Make Me So Happy

Monday, January 26, 2009
Destruction is Cool

What is it, do you think, that fascinates us about the destruction of “things?”
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Kindness Doesn't Take Much

Sunday, January 11, 2009
I Don't Do Resolutions
This is my first year as an adult where I am starting off single. This year is new in so many ways ..... just like every day is new in so many ways. I have never been one for resolutions, but I do feel compelled to "formalize" the things I want to do with th is new life I have. So I am going with the GOALS route......
I have, really, just one goal for 2009: make one scarf or hat every month for the whole year. Here is the deal: I love yarn! A year ago I started crocheting and loom-knitting, and have loved every minute of it. Because of this great love, I have also developed a love of fiber. I am not a “fiber snob” who only uses 100% animal fiber (wool, alpaca, silk, etc) or strictly plant fiber (cotton, bamboo)… I focus on colors and the feel. So even if a yarn is acrylic I will love it and use it if it feels right. As you can probably guess…..this has led to a tremendous collection of yarn. These projects can be done with one skein quite often, and usually take only a few hours. And by the end of the year I will have several items ready for gifts and donations.
Contributing donations has been a gap in my life for quite a long time. There is something so much more meaningful, I think, in being able to do donations of items made rather than just the giving of money. Most definitely……money is a great donation and for any organization those donations are a necessity. But when it comes to what I can do to make any difference on an individual level, handmade items and specific donations are my forte. The idea that something that has gone through my hands and from my home has done good for someone else is such a thrilling idea!
So….why not call it a resolution to use up my yarn stash by making and donating scarves? I think that there is such a stigma associated with the word RESOLUTION. Everyone talks about resolutions that they made…..they didn’t last….”I really started off on my resolution well, but just didn’t follow through.” There is something about the word “resolution” that feels like it’s an impossible thing to accomplish. With having a GOAL….there is no way I can completely fail unless I never pick up the yarn and never even try. I will accomplish at least some of the GOAL no matter what I do.
This year is about positive changes…..and my GOALs will be my key to success.